Hmmm.Imagine what would happen to our life without internet?
Most of us will think that life would be nothing and just some kind of junk.But wait let's remember that God gave us life and we should not abuse it. People have really adapted their life in using internet and some are addicted to it.We use internet everyday and it has become a part of our lives.So it means if one part gets removed in our life it would be hard to live and we will have a complicated life. It would be like living with 1 kidney,lung or any body part.But it is really false that we cannot live without internet.
Let us not forget that without any of the basic needs to live ,like water,food,oxygen, shelter etc.You are gonna die without these basic needs.
But what would life be without WiFi(wireless connection)?
One of the meme I saw in the internet say:(well,look at that i'm using the internet to read some bunch of memes and also making this blog) The internet has advantages like I said in my 1st blog,please read that and my other blogs. Back to the meme:

The picture states that Life without WiFi is like living in the old age because The WiFi is the reason we do a lot of things and search things. It is our kind of entertainment in life.Many people use it to electronic devices to be able to access the network.The WiFi is different with the Internet because the internet is the interconnections of networks while The WiFi is a wireless computer networking technology.Mostly,WiFi is used in accessing social media sites.
Now returning to our topic,How would life be without these things? Will it be hard or easy to live?
Advantages without Internet and WiFi:
- People wouldn't be lazy to do their work because they know that the only solution of their work is by thinking and using books., unless they want to fail.
- There wouldn't be cyber bullying and hacking in sites, because there is no internet to access this sites.
- There wouldn't be bad things like pornographic sites and violence sites that people especially teenagers would watch.
- There wouldn't be plagiarism in internet but can be in real life.
- Children wouldn't be addicted to games(no poor eyesight ) but study their lessons in school.
- Old street games would be trending again.(Yey)
Parents would be lucky because they don't need to worry about their children.Everything will be good with this advantages.Now let us talk about the disadvantages:
Disadvantages without Internet and WiFi:
- There would not be an easy way to do work especially assignments :(
- There would be no blogs and social networking sites to communicate and socialize to people.
- There wouldn't be sites where we could watch videos or movies like YouTube and no entertainment.
- No one would know about an history and there is no Google or Wikipedia.
- No one would catch up on missed news and what's happening to our world.
- No GPS through cellphone or computer ,if someone is lost,no one would where he/she is.
- No online messaging and calling.
These are the inventors including Tim Berners Lee who made the World Wide Web for our web sites.
Robert Kahn
Tim Berners-Lee
Thank you so much and Thank God for giving intelligent people to make these things.These people are gifted and talented. Thank you for giving us entertainment and adding colors and spices to our life.
And that explains how would life be without internet And WiFi. I also experienced suffering when our home WiFi was broken. I could not do my assignments and research stuff. And then I realized that internet and WiFi is important based on my experience. But we should not be addicted to it and our life would be controlled by the internet. Like the quote says that " Life is being ruined by the internet" by John Cena ,states that more people are being too much dependent on the internet and they cannot do their work on their own.We are becoming minions of the internet, they want to rule us and be controlled by them.We should avoid using internet every time and try using books.
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