What is ethics? In my opinion,Ethics is morally knowing what is right and wrong in any aspect like behavior.It is also like following certain rules.It guides us on what helps or harms others, based on our decision. Our decision is based on how we think and feel. Example:There are some decisions that makes us comfortable and happy even if it harms/hurts others, then it is bad. It could also be good if it helps others.We should be really be aware of how we behave . Let's apply President Duterte's saying that "Change is coming" not only in our country but to our behavior because of his campaigns,everybody becomes aware of his rules and change for their own good.For example: The minors are aware that there's a curfew at 10Pm and onward so they don't go out of their houses at that time.That means if we know its wrong then we should change for the better.
What are safety guidelines?Safety guidelines for me are rules or instructions that you should follow for safety.It is not mandatory,it is up to you if you should follow it or not. It does not force you to do it but is also based on your decision.
Ethics and Guidelines go hand in hand because knowing what is right and wrong will make you realize that you should follow safety guidelines for your own good. And know let us talk about Internet safety guidelines and Internet Ethics. The only difference in this blog is we are going to talk about the Internet. Here are some that I know:
- Use computer with courtesy. It means we should be polite at the internet and never post something negative and bad,like in social networking sites.Everyone should be treated fairly and nicely at the internet.Someone can report you at the internet and there could be a case against you, so it is safe to be polite.
- Never post your personal information like phone numbers and home address, because someone can track/stalk you and distract you. They could also use and pretend to be you.
- Do not post inappropriate photos and ask permission to your parents before you post a picture because it can be misused and shared to other people without your knowledge.It can be used as a meme too that can go viral.
- Never share your password to anyone including your friends.It is safe to only share it to your parents and guardians, because if you shared it to someone like your friend, they can hack you and post anything about you without your knowledge.Remember that you could not always trust someone.
- Use privacy settings of social networking sites because if in public settings people can stalk you and look at all your photos and share to other people.
- Don't meet up to people you have met online because the person can do something bad to you like kidnap and rape.
- If you see something online that makes you feel uncomfortable, unsafe or worried: leave the website, turn off your computer if you want to and tell a trusted adult immediately because it can affect you emotionally,physically and mentally.
10 Commandments of Computer/Internet Ethics:
- Thou shall not use a computer to harm other people. It means not to emotionally and mentally hurt them by giving negative comments and cyber bullying them.
- Thou shall not interfere with other people's computer work.It means we should respect and give privacy to other people's documents/files
- Thou shall not snoop around in other people's computer files.It means we should again give privacy to them as same as the 2nd commandment.
- Thou shall not use a computer to steal. It means to not take anyone' s photo and claim it as yours or any of their personal information. We should also not use it in asking for money to someone you don't know.
- Thou shall not use computer to bear false witness.It means not to criticize or judge another person.It is like the 1st commandment.Pretending to be someone but it is not really you is another example of it.
- Thou shall not copy or use proprietary software for which you have not paid.It means to pay for a software(if needed) to not encounter a problem.
- Thou shall not use other people's computer resources without authorization or proper compensation.It means not to use other people's account to benefit from them.
- Thou shall not appropriate other people's intellectual output.It means not to copy other people's work like Plagiarism.
- Thou shall not think the social consequences of the program you are writing or the system you are designing.It means to think about the effects of the apps or website you look at or download.
- Thou shall always use a computer in ways to ensure consideration and respect for the fellow humans. It means to treat fairly or nicely to other people.Do not give bad comments to someone.
These are what I know.It is important to follow these guidelines and ethics for me because they lead us to safety and effectiveness.My personal tip to others is to not commit any cyber crime,because crimes lead us to jail or court. Another tip is to prevent cyber bullying because anybody who undergoes this type of bullying really affects them emotionally and mentally,they even commit suicide. Like a saying goes"Think before you click".
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