Monday, July 4, 2016

What is Internet for me

        Internet for me is a global system where you can link to networks. It carries information resources and applications of World Wide Web. Internet is the network of networks because of the interconnection of different networks. We are accessible to every network in the computer. There are many uses of internet in our everyday tasks in life. Simply, It is like how we are being able to pass in school or in our work.That is because :

  •  It helps us in doing our assignments than looking or reading in our books. We tend to find an easy and fast way which is the Internet.
  •  It can be used in school like making this blog and other educational contents that makes us smart. It gives us information about missed lessons. Like using GENYO, an  interactive learning site, which we use to look back on our lessons and answer quizzes.
  •  It makes us communicate and socialize with other people using social media sites.We are able to chat and post photos, videos and our status. Like using Facebook, We make friends from any country and be able to talk with them with the new app of facebook which is Messenger where we can video chat or call with people using the internet. We also use  Youtube to watch videos  movies or listen to music which can be educational or for our business. It is also for our entertainment and happiness in life.You can also watch news from any country,any time and any where.
  • You can also find your location and if someone is lost, you can use the GPS but if you only have a cellphone then you can track than on a computer.\
  • You can use it in business to be updated about business news and their transactions. If you have a conference and you are absent, you can easily use computer and video call with the people in the conference.
  • You can also play games and have entertainment.
  • You can photoshop everything on your body to be beautiful.
But Internet also have disadvantages like:
  • It makes students lazy to study and make assignments.It makes them dependent on the internet than on the books. Another issue is sometimes they want assignment printed than handwritten, then they become really lazy.
  • We can be hacked on social media and sometimes syndicate copy information about a person and pretend to be them.You can also be cyber bullied and have negatuve comments about any of you posts. In watching videos, there are some things that may not be suitable for you and younger children like pornography and violent videos, it affects their mind and behaviour.
  • Other people especially children can be addicted to games and not study. Sometimes they even bet money on online games like DOTA and LOL.They  do not even spend their money on recess and lunch but save it for online games.
  • Sometimes it is used for illegal activities like Plagiarism.
     And that is the INTERNET ,Sometimes useful and bad for us.That is my opinion about it. Like the quote of Abraham Lincoln says "The trouble with the internet is you may never know if they are genuine",because internet is very accessible to everybody that  you can use anything to pretend or hide something about you. You may not even know that the information you are gathering is correct like Wikipedia and Yahoo Answers that is sometimes edited and full of jokes. That disturbs your studies and knowledge and make you a fool. And all of this is based on my experience.